New patients, please make an appointment in advance by calling 02 725 9595 or 02 032 9595
Pre-registration for new patients
Inpatient Care

The Inpatient Unit at Manarom provides evaluation and treatment of the broad range of psychiatric disorders . We offer consultations and therapies unavailable in general hospitals.

The Inpatient Psychiatry Unit at Manarom coordinates all patient care through a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, occupational and physical therapists, and case managers. Located on the ground floor of the hospital, the 30-bed Inpatient Psychiatry Unit feature a locked ward program. The unit is designed to provide a modern, comfortable environment for both patients and families. It offers such on-site amenities as a dining/activity area, a quiet/library room, and a secured garden. The hospitals is also equipped with physical and occupational therapy rooms. Most importantly, our treatment program is structured to maintain the safety, dignity and confidentiality of every patient on the unit. We consider these the basic requirements for effective treatment to take place.

However, we would like to inform you that our team members are Thais professionals and Thai language is used in the milieu although our staff communicate in English. An expat or a foreign non-resident in our program may require/request a special service of an interpreter and/or an English speaking counselor.


When patients first are admitted to the unit, staff will ask to examine any belongings brought with them, including items in their clothing. This is a routine procedure to prevent unsafe items from being carried onto the unit. Staff will be able to give advice on what items should be returned home or kept by staff until discharge. In general, bring only necessary items and do not keep valuables with you, as the hospital cannot take responsibility for belongings a patient chooses to keep on the unit themselves.

"Checks" is a routine part of life on the unit. Every half-an-hour or hour, 24 hours a day, a member of the nursing staff will check on the location and safety of each patient as will as observation though CCTV as ordered by attend psychiatrist. If patients are sleeping, staff still must enter the room to ensure that the patient is breathing comfortably.

All members of the treatment team work closely with patients to help them maintain control of any impulses to harm themselves, others or property. Sometimes, a patient's behavior may become out of control and the temporary use of seclusion or restraints is necessary. These interventions help reduce a patient's excessive agitation or fear by providing short-term mechanical control.

Treatment Program

Our program offers specialized treatment of patients with affective (mood) disorders, as well as a wide range of other psychiatric diagnoses. The treatment philosophy introduces a combination of techniques tailored to the patient's individual needs.

Biological Treatments

Among the techniques are "biological" treatments, particularly the use of medications. Psychopharmacological treatment has proven to be very effective in the care of anxiety, panic, obsessive-compulsive and mood (depression and bipolar) disorders, as well as with psychotic illnesses.


Another technique is "psychotherapy," or "talk therapy," during which the clinician gains insight into and understanding of the patient's problems and usual ways of dealing with them. The therapist helps the patient use this new understanding to manage problems more effectively in the future. In addition to individual therapy sessions, group sessions are also an important part of the patient's treatment plan. Some groups are based on psychotherapy techniques with a focus on how the patient is feeling "here and now." Some are more educationally oriented. Still others are focused on motor skills and activities, such as group outings or exercise classes. The treatment team will discuss with the patient which groups are best suited to his/her needs.

Milieu Therapy

A third approach is "milieu therapy," in which the patients and the staff on the unit are considered a whole community in themselves. Patients learn about themselves by participating in the life of the "unit" community, resolving its everyday problems and achieving its goals. Participation in ward activities is mandatory unless prohibited by the attending physician The milieu provides structure, safety, mutual support and caring, and encourages active participation in an open flow of communication and feedback.

Patient Privileges

Manarom Inpatient Unit is locked, therfore, staff must open the door each time a patient or visitor needs to enter or leave the unit. The ability of patients to leave the unit depends on the "privilege" level that they have been assigned. Privileges are determined by the treatment team, and are delineated as follows:
Level A:

The patient is restricted to the unit. Most patients are at this level for a time following admission.

Level B:

The patient may leave the unit, if escorted by a staff member. Sometimes the patient must have a staff member escort him/her alone, at other times a group of patients may be escorted by a staff member.Patient is not to leave Manarom ground.

Level C:

The patient may leave the unit alone to attend appointments or other approved activities on the grounds. They should telephone the unit (579) to let staff know when they have arrived at their destination and when they are returning to the unit. When a patient leaves the unit, they are asked to complete a sign-out sheet at the nursing station. The sheet requires patients to indicate where they are going and when they expect to return, and later, when they actually do return to the unit.

Unit Procedures
Visiting Hours

Regular visiting hours are 4.30 PM to 9:30 PM on weekdays and 11.00 AM to1:00 PM and 4.30 PM to 8:30 PM on weekends and holidays. These hours were designed to ensure that visits do not conflict with the patient's treatment program. However, should these hours be particularly difficult for some visitors, the treatment team will make every effort to arrange other times. The staff can help you with any problems regarding visiting times. Staff will ask that all visitors let them know of items being brought onto the unit. This policy is intended to prevent unsafe items from being unknowingly carried onto the unit (e.g., plastic bags are not allowed on the unit).


Individual meals are sent to the unit at breakfast (8:00 AM to 8:30 AM), lunch (12:00 noon to 1:00 PM) and dinner (5.00 PM to 6:00 PM). Snacks are available in the afternoon. Patients are asked to fill out a dietary request card at the nursing station, indicating what meals they would like for the next day. If patients want meals brought from outside the hospital, they should let staff know. Vegetarian meals are provided upon request. Patients are also asked to eat only in the dining room, and not to take food into their own rooms.

Medication Times

Medications are regularly dispensed at 8:30 AM, 1:00 – 1:30 PM, 6:00-6:30 PM and 9:00 PM each day. Nighttime medications may be given later. Patients are asked to be available to receive medications at the times they are due. Medications may be required between these regular times, on a "PRN" (as required) basis as ordered by the patient's doctor.


Public telephones are available for use by patients as allowed by the treatment team. Calls should be limited to 10 minutes duration as a courtesy to other patients who may be waiting to use the phone.. If the patient cannot take the call, then a message can be taken, but no information about the patient should be given out. Envelopes, stationery and stamps are available at the nursing station. (Patients are asked to pay for the stamps.) Mail is collected by the hospital delivery service for posting.


As previously noted, patients may not keep items considered unsafe on the unit, and are advised not to keep valuable items in their own possession while on the unit. Patients are asked not to bring their own electrical equipment onto the unit unless this has been agreed upon by the treatment team. Cameras and tape recorders (if their purpose is to record conversations) are not allowed on the unit, to protect patient confidentiality.. Small amounts of cash may be kept for a patient in their property box at the nursing station. The hospital is not responsible for money that patients choose to keep themselves.

Unit Regulations

Alcohol and illicit drugs are never allowed on the unit. In addition, the following items may not be kept by patients on the unit:
• Prescription drugs from outside the hospital
• Over-the-counter drugs from outside the hospital
• Razors
• Scissors
• Plastic Bags
• Other potentially harmful items such as matches and lighters

These will be kept by staff at the time of admission and returned to the patient upon discharge. Razors and scissors are considered "sharps" and will be kept at the nursing station for patient use. Staff may need to supervise the use of sharp items by patients.

Patient Rooms

Patients are asked to help keep their rooms clean and tidy. Clothing and other belongings should be stored in the closets and bureaus, not on the floor where people may trip over them. On a rotating basis, patients are asked to help keep the kitchen and dining facilities clean. Patients of the opposite sex are not to visit in a patient room.

Dress Code

Patients are expected to be dressed and ready to participate in the program by 8:00 AM on weekdays. Footwear should always be worn on the unit, as walking in bare feet is a potential public health hazard. Staff may ask patients to change their clothing if it is considered inappropriate for the unit. Patients are asked to attend to their personal hygiene outside of treatment program times.


Patients may not leave the unit after 8:30 PM. Patients with a pass should return by 9.30 PM, unless otherwise arranged with the treatment team. Patients are also asked to be in bed by 11:00 PM, as good sleeping patterns are an important part of treatment. In order to support these bedtime hours, the TV will be turned off at 11:00 PM.

Patients' Rights

All patients in psychiatric units will maintain certain basic rights as attached. |We hope that many of your questions have been answered and that this information helps orient you to the unit and its procedures. We would like all patients and visitors to feel as comfortable as possible on our units, as treatment is most effective in such an atmosphere. Therefore, if you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to discuss them with our staff. Thank you and we hope that your stay with us is a helpful and productive one.

Patient Rooms

Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services