New patients, please make an appointment in advance by calling 02 725 9595 or 02 032 9595
Pre-registration for new patients
Art Therapy


Art Psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of expression and communication. Within this context, art is used as a medium to address emotional issues which may be confusing and distressing.

The art making itself, within the therapy, was theoretically proposed as a healing process since the 1940’s, and have been used as a method of accessing the unconscious.


We are focusing on the psychotherapeutic framework and psychodynamic psychotherapy. We have, as well, developed a wide range of patient-centred approaches to support you at your best.

Art psychotherapy offers therapeutic non verbal ways of communication which allows us to be understood in a less threatening manner. The holding space is to enable the opportunity for us to tell their stories, promote awareness and acceptance of our lived events.

“Engagement in creative activity can improve levels of mental and physical wellbeing.”

The care plans are tailored to the capacity and potential of patient.


Art psychotherapists work with children, young people, adults and the elderly. Patient may have a wide range of difficulties, disabilities or diagnoses. These include emotional, behavioral or mental health problems, learning or physical disabilities, life-limiting conditions, neurological conditions, physical illnesses and terminal illnesses.

Art Psychotherapy is provided in groups or individually, depending on patient' needs. It is not a recreational activity or an art lesson. No previous experience or expertise in art required.

For further information or booking appointment for the assessment please contact 02 725 9595

Mental Health Services

Mental Health Services